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The son filed a law suit against his mother because she hacked his email account – did the court intervene?

The son, a lawyer, filed a law suit in the family court in Nazareth, against his mother, claiming that she hacked his personal email account, changed his password and forwarded personal emails between him and his father to the Bar Association in order to disbar him.In his claim the son asked the court to require the mother to compensate him in the amount of 50,000 NIS without proof of damage, in accordance with the Privacy Act in view of the loss of privacy and reputation.In the statement of defense submitted by the mother to the court, she claimed that the email account belongs to her daughter (the plaintiff's sister) and due to that, she didn't ever hack her son's privet email.The mother also claimed that she is not proficient in computers and that "except for talking on Skype with my daughter and dusting it, I hardly use the computer at all" she claimed.The mother also stated that she approached the Bar Association because her son forged her signature without her consent and she felt it was her "moral duty" to report to the Bar.Family Court in Nazareth, Judge Jamilla Jabarin Khalifa, stated that the plaintiff has not established an evidentiary basis that proves that his mother actually hacked his personal email account.The judge added that the burden of proof in this case applies to the son and because he did not support his claims with hard data it cannot be determined whether the email account was hacked by the mother.With regard to the son's claims regarding violation of privacy by the mother, the judge ruled that since there was one correspondence that was transferred to the Bar, to check the content, and because the content of the correspondence concerns the mother in person, then even if there is damage to the privacy of the son, the harm caused is reasonable and it was done with good intensions.Finally, judge Khalifa ordered the rejection of the son's claim and charged him legal expenses of 4,000 NIS payable directly to the mother.

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